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Investment projects with scope: July 2022 Example PB

Total budget £80,000


Buy cakes every friday

2022-07-07  •  No comments  •  cosla  •  consul officer  •  July 2022 Example PB

buy cakes on a friday for all council officers. Stimulate the local economy and improve morale

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1 support

Install a shelter in the high street

2022-07-12  •  No comments  •  cosla  •  consul officer  •  July 2022 Example PB

The high street is quite narrow. It would be a good idea to put a glass roof across a section of it and make it pedestrianised. That would make a nice public space in which to create a cafe culture

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Upgrade the footpath from the housing estate to the town centre

2022-07-12  •  No comments  •  cosla  •  consul officer  •  July 2022 Example PB

The footpath is overgrown and the paving is cracked and broken in places.

It is too narrow for a bike and pedestrian to pass safely.

Widen the footpath and resurface it to encourage people to walk and cycle into town

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