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Demo budget proposal 1

C cosla  •  consul officer  •  2022-11-01  •  No comments  •  Climate Change Grant Fund  • 


Investment project code: 50



This is a description of my project.

As outlined in attached document it will cost £15000

Bribes are available

Proposed on behalf of: My organisation

Content generated by AI / Machine Learning

Unfeasibility explanation

this has been marked as incompatible so testing to see what that does. Testing email being sent to unfeasible project because it just isn't feasible enough

  • Published 2022-10-31

    Status changed to

    Bid Submitted

  • Published 2023-03-30

    Bid Successful

  • Published 2023-06-29

    Detailed planning complete

  • Published 2023-08-14

    Procurement Completed