Consultation process
East End Community Regeneration Forum February 2023Waverley Sheltered Housing Complex
Proposal code: CONSUL-2023-02-15
Furnishings for resident' lounge - There is a resident lounge which has been well used over the years and we hold celebrations throughout there year such as a recent Christmas party, Jubilee tea party
There is a resident lounge which has been well used over the years and we hold celebrations throughout there year such as a recent Christmas party, Jubilee tea party. The furniture in the lounge has been very well used and in some cases unserviceable and is sadly in need of replacement.
As you may know Hillcrest is a charitable organisation, and we have not been fortunate enough to be provided with funding to replace some of the furniture. Since the lockdown most of the residents have been reluctant to return to the lounge. An award from the Community regeneration fund would greatly assist in the improvement of the lounge, which I believe would encourage more to utilise the facility and have a profound social beneficial effect on our residents.
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