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Name your street

Festive Road is being redeveloped. Help choose a new name for it

Only residents in the following areas can participate:

  • Test District

Participation data



Participants by age

Age Total
16 - 19 years old 0 (0%)
20 - 24 years old 0 (0%)
25 - 29 years old 1 (0.16%)
30 - 34 years old 0 (0%)
35 - 39 years old 0 (0%)
40 - 44 years old 0 (0%)
45 - 49 years old 0 (0%)
50 - 54 years old 0 (0%)
55 - 59 years old 0 (0%)
60 - 64 years old 0 (0%)
65 - 69 years old 0 (0%)
70 - 74 years old 0 (0%)
75 - 79 years old 0 (0%)
80 - 84 years old 0 (0%)
85 - 89 years old 0 (0%)
90 years old and older 0 (0%)

* There is no demographic data for 618 participants.