The way special uplifts operate at the moment is not very user friendly.
As a resident you are invited to put your bulky item outside your house but are not guaranteed an uplift time or date. This means that bulky waste is lying at the front of properties for an indeterminate time looking unsightly and encouraging theft and vandalism.
My proposal is that the council sends you a text message with the date of your uplift and a second text half a day in advance of the collection. This would improve customer service, cost very little and ensure that goods were only outside properties for the minimum time necessary
Waste Management is not something to treat lightly. We shouldn't be sending things to waste when they could be recycled or donated to charity. Too many things get wasted and end up being eaten by whales and dolphins and making a mess on the beach when I go on holiday. It is all the fault of the government. And the younger generations who have no respect for property and juste waste, wast, waste
Great idea. Saves things sitting outside on the street making a mess
Definitely good idea. LAst thing we need is stuff sitting on street making a mess
I fully support this proposal. It would make for a much more efficient service
I think your comment is great. More people should make comments like this
Waste Management is not something to treat lightly. We shouldn't be sending things to waste when they could be recycled or donated to charity. Too many things get wasted and end up being eaten by whales and dolphins and making a mess on the beach when I go on holiday. It is all the fault of the government. And the younger generations who have no respect for property and juste waste, wast, waste
Great idea. Saves things sitting outside on the street making a mess