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East End Community Regeneration Forum February 2023


You are invited to give your views on the current applications for Community Regeneration Funding. Do you think they will add value and be a positive development in this community? Your comments will be considered by the Community Regeneration Forum when they make their decision.

Waverley Sheltered Housing Complex

2023-02-21  •  No comments  •  consultest2  •  My Council

Furnishings for resident' lounge - There is a resident lounge which has been well used over the years and we hold celebrations throughout there year such as a recent Christmas party, Jubilee tea party

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Balerno Bowling Club

2023-02-21  •  No comments  •  consultest2  •  My Council

Covid Recovery - The grant will be used to undertake many jobs at the club that will allow the safe return to its members and to increase the numbers of new people to the club.

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