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Name your street

Festive Road is being redeveloped. Help choose a new name for it

Only residents in the following areas can participate:

  • Test District
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What is your preferred name for the street formerly known as Festive Road

More information

After the unfortunate incident at number 25 when a group of pirates engaged in a violent disturbance with a group of cavemen who were already demonstrating against parading circus performers, the damage was considered beyond economic repair so plans were brought forward to regenerate the locality.

Following an initial consultation a shortlist of names has been agreed and the community is now invited to select a name for the street formerly known as Festive Road

What is your preferred name for the street formerly known as Festive Road

Festive Road

This name celebrates the rich heritage of this area

Benn Road

Celebrating the most famous resident of Festive Road, this name may be popular with residents of a certain age. There is the possibility that this could prove to be a controversial name give the said resident's involvement in the Festive Road Riots which caused the destruction of a number of houses

Shopkeeper Lane

This name recognises the contribution of previously under-represented groups of residents to the vibrant life of our community