Instead of everyone having individual bins which are time consuming to collect, create large bins in communities which are then emptied daily
Instead of everyone having individual bins which are time consuming to collect, create large bins in communities which are then emptied daily like they do in France where everyone takes their rubbish to the large bins. In Chamonix in France they have large bins sunk into the street and it is the resposnisbility of residents who live in the local apartments to take their bagged rubbish and recycling to the communal bins.
The bins lorries come along daily and empty the bins. This saves a massive amount of space as you don't need to give everyone 3 or 4 different bins
Communal underground bins across the site will encourage recycling without detracting from the streetscape
What is a streetscape? We don't have them in my street, just fly tippers
play nice please
Underground Bins are perfect for housing & apartment complex
If this takes bins off the streets then I am all in favour. It will leave pavements clear for people with prams or people in wheelchairs
What will happen to all the plastic in the existing bins? Will they be recycled?
Great idea. Bet it won't happen though. Too many people protecting their own jobs
Suppose it means digging up the streets yet again. The council never fixes them properly
Used all over Europe. Great idea
What about rats. Will there be rats? I don't like rats and we don't want diseases
Underground waste and recycling systems have been common in continental Europe since the early 1990’s.
I don't actually have anything to say but I am going to comment anyway.