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Communal Bins

User deleted  •  2022-06-07  •  17 comments

Proposal code: CONSUL-2022-06-9

Instead of everyone having individual bins which are time consuming to collect, create large bins in communities which are then emptied daily

Instead of everyone having individual bins which are time consuming to collect, create large bins in communities which are then emptied daily like they do in France where everyone takes their rubbish to the large bins. In Chamonix in France they have large bins sunk into the street and it is the resposnisbility of residents who live in the local apartments to take their bagged rubbish and recycling to the communal bins.

The bins lorries come along daily and empty the bins. This saves a massive amount of space as you don't need to give everyone 3 or 4 different bins

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  • User deleted  •  2022-06-07 10:47:01

    What a load of old rubbish

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    • User deleted  •  Author  •  2022-06-07 10:44:51

      The University of Cambridge will install the system into an 800-hectare residential development in North West Cambridge. The development will include 1500 homes for University and College staff. The use of the underground waste system will remove the need for 9,000 wheelie bins otherwise necessary on the site

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      • User deleted  •  Author  •  2022-06-07 10:43:23

        I think this is a good idea. I have seen this working and everybody is quite happy taking their rubbish to the large communal bins which are mostly buried underground. It is really easy to use and the bins make recycling easy as they are different colours

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        • User deleted  •  Author  •  2022-06-07 10:42:16

          won't this lead to more mess on the streets?

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          • User deleted  •  Author  •  2022-06-07 10:41:59

            What about old people who can't walk to the communal bins?

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            • Published 2022-09-30

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